Freedom of Association Policy
Drawbridge CM recognises the fundamental importance of independent and democratic
organizations of workers’ own choosing - commonly known as trade unions - in achieving
sustainable improvements and encourages an open and positive attitude towards trade
unions and collective bargaining because they are the essential elements of all mature
systems of industrial relations.
The right to organize and bargain collectively allows those workers who choose to find a
common voice and provides a framework through which they can engage with
management on their right to receive fair wages, sufficient benefits, and the ability to
conduct their work in fair and decent conditions.
General principles
- 1. Drawbridge CM recognizes the right of all workers, without distinction, to form and join trade unions of their own choosing and bargain collectively (ILO Conventions 87 and 98)
- 2. Drawbridge CM does not tolerate intimidation, reprisal or discrimination of any kind against union members or representatives or those advocating membership of a union.
3. Drawbridge CM adopts an open attitude towards the activities of the trade unions and their organizational activities, and recognizes workers’ union as partners for the purpose of collective bargaining.
4. Workers’ representatives shall have access to all workplaces necessary to carry out their representation functions. (ILO Convention 135 and Recommendation).
5. Drawbridge CM shall not do anything that prohibits or dissuades workers from forming or joining independent organizations and from seeking to negotiate their term and conditions of employment. We allow union representatives to conduct their activities, including meetings with and of their members, without interference.
6. Where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is restricted under law, Drawbridge CM facilitates, and does not hinder, the development of parallel means for independent and free association and bargaining. This may include the facilitation of free choice by workers to elect their own workplace representatives.
Drawbridge CM monitors the application of this policy throughout our operations, to identify areas in which the right to exercise freedom of association may be at risk and to take action to support these rights.